Indonesian adventure riding: the facts of life…

One-way is hard!
There are hundreds of motorcycle rental businesses in Indonesia, but few (if any) will let your rent the motorcycle one-way. The majority will not let you take the motorcycle off Bali. Getting the bike back home again takes a lot of organisation!
What about the luggage?
Rental bikes are usually “naked”, except some scooters that come equipped with a surfboard rack. Rent from Moto Indo, and you will get strong and versatile custom-designed luggage racks. Just bring your backpack and suitcase.
I’ll just freight my own bike!
To ship the bike sub-container is $2,500 – $3,500 return. And you need a carnet, for $300, plus deposit of 150% of the bike’s value. Then wait about 2 months. Air freight is about the same cost. Shipping via East Timor and Darwin is cheaper at about $1300 each way, but 3 weeks journey on the way back and very unreliable departures.
I’ll just buy my own bike
In some countries that is straightforward. In Indonesia, you cannot buy a new bike unless you are a citizen. You can buy a second hand bike, but you will not be the legal owner of it and you will not be able to renew the registration if it falls due (your name will not be on the registration card). You will waste time finding a bike and you cannot be certain of it’s condition. Plus you won’t have a bike set up for touring, and you will have to sell for a big discount if you ride to a different province (registration is specific to a province).
Your time is precious
If you are travelling during annual leave, you probably don’t want to turn around and ride the same route, just to return your bike? You want to turn up and ride, right? Then just leave? Now you can!
How much is it?
Rates start at $11.50 per day for long-term rental of a Honda Vario 125. Rates for shorter rental and other types of bikes are higher, but very inexpensive considering you can ride anywhere in Indonesia. Weekly and monthly rates provide great value and unrivalled opportunity for adventure riding without the dram of shipping your own bikes. We will also secure an authorization on your PayPal account for $500, like when you book into a hotel.
Amounts are in US$.